SQL Server Business Intelligence: Microsoft Buisness Intelligence Virtual Machine (VPC VHD) v7.1 released

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Microsoft Buisness Intelligence Virtual Machine (VPC VHD) v7.1 released

Microsoft Business Intelligence VPC Release 7.1

Yesterday morning I received some information in regards to the latest All Up MS BI VPC R7.1. Now what has changed between release 7 and 7.1, not sure. I know that the files for 7 where dated 7/22 and for 7.1 they are 9/30. The overview file still has not been updated, so you can reference my previous posting of what changed between 6 and 7 - Microsoft Business Intelligence VPC Release 7. According to the email I received it states that there are supposed to be some voice added demos, but I am not seeing them unless it is just the presenter scripts (guess I was thinking of videos, but maybe I am reading this incorrectly). There are also going to be 17 localized versions of the download, but I am not sure when those will be available to access (if at all).

And just a reminder that the Administrator password is the generic Microsoft one pass@word1 and this VPC has a time bomb of April 15, 2010. This VPC is using Windows 2003 Server R2 SP2 Enterprise Edition, PPS 2007 with SP1, PAS 6.3 with Hotfix 2215, and SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition with SP2 (actually build 3068 – SQL Server 2005 Build List). You will need to update this with PPS SP2 and ProClarity SP2 (Hotfix 2217) if you want to have them included - PerformancePoint Server (PPS) 2007 SP2 now available.

Business Intelligence Demo Solution – Overview and Presenter Script information (view my previous posting for the latest update on the Overview that I posted above):

UPDATE (12/28/2008): If for some reason these download links do not work for you you can head over to Russell Christopher's PerformancePoint Blog for a different set of download links - All Up BI VPC 7.1 Available for Public Download. The links that I reference above could be for the older version 7 and not 7.1 which Russell references in his posting here:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7


1 comment:

Hassan said...

Hi Abdul Rehman,

Yes, there is Videos demo, in the desktop of de VPC 7.1 you will find a new directory named Recording, inside there htm page that allow top browse easly all vidoes
