SQL Server Business Intelligence: October 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Crystal Reports for .NET SDK Samples

 clipped from wiki.sdn.sap.com

Crystal Reports .NET SDK Samples

Report Modification


Crystal Reports .NET - All Sample Applications
This set includes the following samples:

  • cr_net_sdk_tutorial_samples_en.zip
  • crsdk_net_samples_12.zip
  • NET-CPP2005_CRNET_CR115_Change_Record-Selection-Formula.zip
  • NET-CS-Win_CR12_Creating-Custom-Addins.zip
  • NET-CS_CRNET_CR115_Get_SQL-Query.zip
  • NET-CS2003_RAS-Unmanaged_CR115_Modify_Command-Table-SQL.zip
  • NET-CS2005_CRNET_CR115_Modify_Image-Location.zip
  • NET2003-CS-Web_CRNET_CR115_change_graphic-location.zip
  • NET-Cplus-Win_CRNET_CR115_Get_Viewer-Events.zip
  • NET-CPP-Win2005_CRNET_CR115_view_report.zip
  • NET-CS2005_CRNET_CR115_Set_Viewer-Locale-by-Page.zip

Crystal Reports 2008 .NET SDK Tutorial Samples
This sample contains Visual Studio 2005 Web sample code projects that highlight features of the Crystal Reports .NET SDK, including viewing and exporting reports, filtering data and setting parameters, and connecting to different data sources.

Crystal Reports .NET SDK - Sample Applications from Tutorials
This file contains C# and VB .NET Windows and web sample applications. These samples were built using the tutorials provided in the 'Crystal Reports .NET SDK - Additional Documentation and Tutorials' (cr_net_sdk_additional_en.zip). These sample applications apply to Crystal Reports 9 and 10, and Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003.

Csharp (C#) Web Sample Applications for use in Microsoft Visual .Net 2002 and Later
This set includes the following samples:

  • csharp_web_accesssubreport.zip
  • csharp_web_adonet.zip
  • csharp_web_discreteparams.zip
  • csharp_web_export.zip
  • csharp_web_rangeparams.zip
  • csharp_web_serverfilereports.zip
  • csharp_web_simplelogonengine.zip
  • csharp_web_simplelogonviewer.zip
  • csharp_web_simplepreviewreport.zip
  • csharp_web_sub_daterange_param.zip
  • csharp_web_subreport_logon.zip
  • cr10_csharp_web_clientprinting.zip

VB.NET (VB) Web Sample Applications for use in Microsoft Visual .Net 2002 and Later.
This set includes the following samples:

  • vbnet_web_adonet.zip
  • vbnet_web_simplelogonengine.zip
  • vbnet_web_simplelogonviewer.zip
  • vbnet_web_export.zip
  • vbnet_web_discreteparams.zip
  • vbnet_web_multirangeparams.zip
  • vbnet_web_rangeparams.zip
  • vbnet_web_simplepreviewreport.zip
  • vbnet_web_sortfields.zip
  • vbnet_web_accesssubreport.zip
  • vbnet_web_subreport_logon.zip
  • vbnet_web_sub_daterange_param.zip
  • vbnet_web_reportpartsviewer.zip

Csharp (C#) Windows Sample Applications for use in Microsoft Visual .Net 2002 and Later
This set includes the following samples:

  • csharp_win_adodotnet.zip
  • csharp_win_classicado.zip
  • csharp_win_dbengine.zip
  • csharp_win_dbviewer.zip
  • csharp_win_DynamicImage.zip
  • csharp_win_dynamic_report_formula.zip
  • csharp_win_export.zip
  • csharp_win_exporttopdf.zip
  • csharp_win_multirangeparam.zip
  • csharp_win_oraclelogoninfo.zip
  • csharp_win_paramengine.zip
  • csharp_win_paramviewer.zip
  • csharp_win_pass_dataset_main_sub.zip
  • csharp_win_printtoprinter.zip
  • csharp_win_rangeparameters.zip
  • csharp_win_serverfilereports.zip
  • csharp_win_sortfields.zip
  • csharp_win_sub_daterange_param_engine.zip
  • csharp_win_subreport_basic.zip
  • csharp_win_subreport_logon.zip
  • csharp_win_viewer_events.zip

VB.NET (VB) Windows Sample Applications for use in Microsoft Visual .Net 2002 and Later.
This set includes the following samples:

  • vbnet_win_adodotnet.zip
  • vbnet_win_changefont.zip
  • vbnet_win_classicado.zip
  • vbnet_win_custompapersource.zip
  • vbnet_win_customviewer.zip
  • vbnet_win_dbengine.zip
  • vbnet_win_dbviewer.zip
  • vbnet_win_dynamicimage.zip
  • vbnet_win_dynamic_report_formula.zip
  • vbnet_win_export.zip
  • vbnet_win_exporttopdf.zip
  • vbnet_win_multirangeparam.zip
  • vbnet_win_oraclelogoninfo.zip
  • vbnet_win_paramengine.zip
  • vbnet_win_paramviewer.zip
  • vbnet_win_pass_dataset_main_sub.zip
  • vbnet_win_printtoprinter.zip
  • vbnet_win_rangeparameters.zip
  • vbnet_win_serverfilereports.zip
  • vbnet_win_simplepreviewreport.zip
  • vbnet_win_sortfields.zip
  • vbnet_win_sub_daterange_param_engine.zip
  • vbnet_win_sub_daterange_param_viewer.zip
  • vbnet_win_subreport_basic.zip
  • vbnet_win_subreport_logon.zip
  • vbnet_win_viewer_events.zip

Report Application Server .NET Sample Code
Contains Visual Studio 2005 Web sample code pages that highlight features of the RAS SDK, including report parameter and formula modification, database logon, and exporting.


This sample shows you how to change the multilingual settings for the .NET web form viewer control (CrystalReportViewer) to any locale of your choice. The locale is set via a QueryString variable. The settings are changed on the webform page level instead of using the web.config. Changing the Regional Settings or IE Language Settings will not impact this sample. Note: This has only been tested on Crystal Reports XI R2 with Visual Studio .NET 2005

Crystal Reports .NET C++ - Get Viewer Events
This C++ .NET sample Windows application demonstrates how to access the Viewer Events for the business objects windows forms viewer.

Crystal Reports .NET C++ - View Report
This sample application shows you how to preview a Crystal Report in a .NET C++ application.


Crystal Reports for Delphi 2005 .NET - Connect to Secure Database
This Delphi 2005 sample Windows application demonstrates how to connect to a secured database using the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET Engine object model.

This sample demonstrates how to view a report by passing the database logon information to the report via the viewer. You can not use this method to change databases at runtime. It must be the database the report is designed against.

This sample demonstrates how to modify the userID and password used to log onto the report database using the Crystal Reports .NET Viewer SDK. There is no ReportDocument used in this sample because it is demonstrating how to pass logon info via the Viewer SDK.

This sample demonstrates how to modify database server and logon information using the Crystal Reports .NET SDK. The code modifies the ConnectionInfo object and uses the ApplyLogonInfo method to apply the changes to the main and subreports.

This sample demonstrates how to view a report by passing the database logon information to the report.  You can not use this method to change databases at runtime.  It must be the database the report is designed against.  This passes the user name and password to connections with a specified server and database name.

This sample demonstrates how to view a report by passing the database logon information to the report.  You can not use this method to change databases at runtime.  It must be the database the report is designed against.  This passes the user name and password to all database connections in the report.


Crystal Reports for Delphi 2005 .NET - Pass Mulitple Parameter Values to the Viewer
This Delphi 2005 .NET sample Windows application demonstrates how to pass multiple values to a single discrete parameter field using the viewer's object model.


Report Modification

This sample application shows how to change an image in a Crystal Report at runtime using the graphic location formula in the CR .NET SDK (C#).


This sample application shows how to change an image in a Crystal Report at runtime using the graphic location formula in the CR .NET SDK (C#).

This sample application shows how to retrieve and change the text of a SQL command table from a Crystal Report using the CR .NET SDK and in-process Report Application Server (RAS) Report Creation API (RCAPI). Note that you must have SP2 for Crystal Reports XI R2 for this sample to work. Previously you could access the RAS .NET SDK from the ReportDocument object only if you had a dedicated RAS server. Now you can use RAS in-process to accomplish this.

A .NET C++ Windows application that demonstrates how to change a record selection formula at runtime.

Crystal Reports . NET C# - Get SQL Query
This sample application shows how to retrieve the SQL query from a Crystal Report using the CR.NET SDK and RAS in-process. Previously you could only access the RAS .NET SDK from the ReportDocument if you had a dedicated RAS server. Now you can use RAS in-process to accomplish this.

Crystal Reports 2008 .NET C# - Creating Custom Addins
These samples show how to create a Custom Add-In for Crystal Reports 2008. Custom Add-Ins can be used to create custom tools for the Crystal Reports designer. Samples for Visual Studio 2003 and 2005 are both included.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Six Quick Crystal Reports Design Tips

 clipped from aspalliance.com
Published: 27 Feb 2008
Creating reports can be a daunting task. Reports can demand a great deal of effort and time, especially if you have not worked with Crystal Reports much. In this article, Jeff provides six quick Crystal Reports Design Tips to assist in creating killer reports with style and speed. Among other tips, you will learn how to add WaterMarks to your reports. Each tip has been deeply examined with the help of relevant explanations and screenshots for better understanding. by Jeff McWherter
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I have found myself working on projects where reports have been last minute additions that demanded a great deal of time and a certain touch of detail. Many times, reports are cobbled together, with good design and performance falling to the wayside.  Reports are the primary representation of the data on your system; after putting so much hard work into the application that is collecting data it is important to put a little extra effort forth to design truly "killer" reports for your application.

The development tips in this article are primarily intended for developers without much experience with Crystal Reports.  This article assumes the reader has a basic knowledge of Crystal Reports data access.

We will cover six quick tips that will enable you to quickly create reports that are richly featured. We will start with a basic report that a manager of a project may ask for; order fulfillment. The following examples will be created from the SQL Server 2000 Northwinds Trading Company sample database. The sample report referenced throughout this article pulls data from the Orders, Customers, and Products tables. The report is intended to be a representation of a typical order fulfillment report. It groups orders together, and displays information about each product under the order. The examples below are using Crystal Reports 2008, but have also been tested with Crystal Reports XI.

Using Templates

Using templates helps with one of the most important aspects of delivering quality products, being consistent. Crystal Reports 2008 ships with twelve built in templates, but the power comes from the ability to create your own templates. 

Report templates are existing Crystal Report (.rpt) files which will allow you to "inherit" many design related formatting settings including:

·         Page headers and footers

·         Color formatting

·         Charting settings

·         Lines, Borders and Boxes

·         Logos and images

·         Addition of Standard Functions

·         Addition of Special Fields

·         Field highlighting

Figure 1: A report that does not have a template applied

To apply a template, select the "Template Expert" found on the report menu.  

Figure 2: Crystal Reports Template Expert


To apply a custom template, select "Browse" on the Template Expert and navigate to an existing report you would like to use as a template for your new report. In our example we will use the "NorthwindTemplate.rpt" file.

Figure 3: A report with a custom template applied

The Northwind Template report file contained header information with company detail and a logo that our new report has now inherited.    

Copying with Formatting between fields

This tip may be one that many readers are already aware of, but it is still worth mentioning. Formatting objects on a report can be a tedious task, when there may be multiple formatting options applied to each object on your report. Including labels, the formatting may need to be applied to over a hundred objects on a report, which increases the possibility of errors. To help minimize errors, use the "Format Painter" tool.

Figure 4: Format Painter Tool

To use the "Format Painter" tool, follow the following steps:

1. Select an object from which to copy formatting.

2. Select the "Format Painter" tool from the menu.

3. The cursor will change to a paint brush; use it to select the object from which you would like to copy the formatting.

4. Double click the "Format Painter" tool from the menu.

5. Click on any other object to apply the formatting to that object.

Now the formatting from the original object you selected will be applied to each of the objects you select. To turn off the "Format Painter" tool, click on the tool again in the menu.

Evaluating Performance

It is important to monitor performance from the start of development when you are creating Crystal reports. This will save time later in the development cycle trying to figure out why a report is slow. Code profiling is the amount of time that various behaviors of your application take to run. You should be running a profiler on your SQL statements before the data even gets to the report, to be aware of how long your queries take to run. 

Crystal Reports provides a tool to estimate how long the report will take to load (render time). In my opinion if you are working with data and you're not profiling your code then you're not doing your job.

The Crystal Reports Performance Information tool can be found on the report menu.

Figure 5: Performance times for the order fulfillment report

So, what is an acceptable load time? It depends. Load times of not more than six seconds are a good goal, but there are always exceptions. Keep reports as simple as possible, and query only the data needed for the report. Use SQL to perform as many functions as possible before the data is passed to the report, such as ordering, or in some cases grouping data.  If you see a section of data that can be broken out into a new report, doing so may help with load times.

Highlighting Data

Often times the style of certain types of items needs to be changed to make them stand out on the report. This is commonly used to indicate negative numbers, or numbers over or under a certain threshold. Crystal Reports has built in support for this that makes this easy to accomplish.

In this example, the formatting of the "Units in Stock" objects needs to be changed when the value is less than 15. To accomplish this, first select the field by clicking on it once. Select "Highlighting Expert" from the Format menu; then select "New".

Figure 6: The Highlighting Expert

You will then be able to set options for when and how the highlighting will occur. For this example, I set the font color to red and the background to yellow, when the "Units in stock" object is below 15.

Figure 7: Highlighting when Units in Stock is below 15

Showing a Check Box on a Report

One of the most important things I have learned with Crystal Reports is that many times you need to "think outside of the box". Crystal has support for Boolean operators to be displayed as the following:

True or False

T or F

Yes Or No

Y or N

1 or 0

Crystal Reports does not have built in support to display a check box for Boolean operators, but with a little creativity and the Wing Ding font, this task can be easily accomplished. The following example will illustrate how to use check boxes to replace true/false statements in the "Discontinued" field. The simplest way to accomplish this task is to change the display string of the value, and then set the font of the object to Wing Ding.  First a formula will need to be added to change the display text of the field. Right click on the Boolean field you would like to change, and select "Format Expert". On the Common tab, click the X+Y button for the "Display String" option.

Figure 8: Format editor display string

Ensure that "Crystal Syntax" is selected and copy the following formula:

Figure 9: Changing the display string

The character code 0xFE in the Wing Ding font represents a box with check mark. In contrast, the character code 0xA8 represents an empty box. The Character Map tool, which can be found in the Accessories folder in the Windows Start menu, will assist you in discovering the hex values for character codes of the items you would like to display. After you have found the character code for the value you would like to display, add it to your formula. It is much simpler to use the decimal representation of the ASCII value instead of the hex value. This is a great site http://www.asciitable.com/ to find all of the ASCII values, including their hex and decimal representations. After you have set your formula, make sure you set the font for the object to Wing Ding, on the "Format Editor "screen.

Figure 10: The Windows Character Map tool

Figure 11: Fulfillment report with discontinued check boxes

Tool Tips

Objects on a Crystal Report allow for the addition of a Tool Tip. What's great about features like this in Crystal Reports is the ability to apply formulas.  This example will illustrate how to add a Tool Tip to the "Units in Stock" field that will indicate how many units are on order when the user hovers over the object. The Tool Tip will generate this data from a formula.

To add a Tool Tip to a report object, right click your object and select "Format Editor". Select the Common tab and click on the X+Z button next to the Tool Tip text box.

Ensure Crystal Syntax is selected, and enter the following for the formula:

Figure 12: Tool Tips for units on order

Figure 13: The Tool Tip over the Units in Stock field

Text Watermark

A common report request is the ability to add a watermark to a report indicating that it is a draft. This example will show you how to accomplish this. In order to create the watermark, create a new header section, add a text object for the watermark and select the "Underlay Following Sections" option. This allows for new header to be above the rest of the sections of the report.

Figure 14: The Section Expert

Figure 15: The watermark in the designer

The text object that was added has a silver 72 point font set, font spacing of 80 and the text turned 90 degrees. The text rotation option is found off the common tab in the Section Expert.

Figure 16: Fulfillment report with draft watermark

Don't forget that you can suppress sections in Crystal Reports via code if you would like to provide an option to print the report without the watermark. Suppressing sections through code is out of scope of this document.


The six tips in this article are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to developing Crystal Reports. The tools available within Crystal Reports make it easy to design professional, scalable reports for those without a fine art degree or advanced-level knowledge.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Text Parsing in Visual Basic

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Monday, October 12, 2009

SQL Server Reporting Services and Crystal Reports: A Competitive Analysis

When deciding which tool to standardize on, it's important to look at the architecture of each tool. Within this paper I listed the differences between the two products and also mentioned how each design decision comes with certain advantages and disadvantages. Remember to test each reporting tool against the functionality that is critical to your reporting requirements. Determine which product best fits your needs before making your choice.

Overall, both tools are an excellent choice for implementing reporting capabilities into your applications, but they cater to different audiences. Crystal Reports has the benefit of being the veteran in the field and supports almost every conceivable reporting requirement there is. It has versions for developers as well as business users. SSRS is the new kid on the block and it is focused only on the developer market. SSRS is a 1.0 release and still has some growing pains to go through. If your company's users have a broad range of reporting requirements and expect their reports to look a certain way, then Crystal Reports could be your best bet. If your developers want to use the latest tools and you have the resources to write the code for the missing functionality, then SSRS could be your choice.

Reporting Tools Feature Summary

FeatureCrystal Reports XIReporting Services
Version 11.01.0
File Format Binary (.RPT)
Uses SDKs to access objects
Editable with Notepad
Target User Business User and Developer Developer
Designer Interface Banded Object based
License Cost CR.NET - Free
Dev Edition - $300 Upgrade
CR Server - $7,500
Included with SQL Server 2000
Additional Server - $5,000
Enterprise License - $20,000
Extensibility Closed architecture Open architecture
Data Connectivity Single point of entry
CR Server - Shared data source
Shared data sources
DataSet Reporting Supported Not Supported
Table Object Not Supported Supported
Forms Authentication Supported Not Supported
Enterprise license support
WYSIWYG formattingPrecise HTML focused
Formula Library 50+ financial functions
4 dozen date functions
13 financial functions
Half dozen date functions
Sub-reports One level deep 20 levels deep
Object based reporting improves on sub-reports
CSS Supported Minimal support
Export granular control Not Supported Supported
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SQL Server utility Tools


  • Free! SQL Server FineBuild (CodePlex)
    Installs SQL Server -- and best-practice configurations -- with one click. Download SQL Server FineBuild.
  • Free! SQL Job Manager (Idera)
    Streamlines the process of cross-server SQL Server job management, reducing job failure rates and the amount of time spent on job management activities. Download SQL Job Manager.
  • RazorSQL (Richardson Software)
    SQL query tool, database browser, SQL editor, and database administration tool for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris. Download RazorSQL.
  • SQL Partition Manager (DonWellSoft)
    Ideal for large databases, simplifies partitioned table maintenance by automating management tasks. Download SQL Partition Manager.
  • Free! YourSQLDba (Société GRICS)
    Script file of T-SQL stored procedures that automate routine database maintenance. Download YourSQLDba.
  • Free! Object Search (Microsoft)
    Built-in feature in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 that helps find objects in a particular datatbase. More on Object Search.


  • SQL admin toolset (Idera)
    Set of 24 administration tools for monitoring, troubleshooting, administering, and reporting including Password Checker, Job Editor and Patch analyzer. Microsoft MVPs receive a free license. Download SQL admin toolset.
  • myLittleAdmin (myLittleTools)
    Web-based application that administers SQL Server and Desktop Engine databases over the internet. Download myLittleAdmin
  • Free! SQL Permissions (Idera)
    Moves logins and applies permissions across all databases on the target server or single database. Download SQL Permissions.
  • Event Manager (SQL Sentry)
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  • Performance Advisor (SQL Sentry)
    An advanced performance dashboard that deliver Windows and SQL Server metrics in a single view along with details regarding heavy SQL blocking, deadlocks and disk bottlenecks. Download Performance Advisor.
  • Free! Performance Studio (Microsoft)
    Built-in administrative console that helps monitor speed and efficiency of databases, and collects real-time performance data from multiple databases and stores them in a central repository. More on using Performance Studio.
  • Free! Data Collector (Microsoft)
    Component of SQL Server 2008 that collects data and provides one central point for data collection across database servers and applications. More on Data Collector.
  • Performance Monitor (Teratrax)
    Low-footprint technology that collects performance information, which can bedanalyzed by an easy-to-understand user interface. Free for SQL Server Express Edition. Download Performance Monitor.
  • Free! SQL Check (Idera)
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  • Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise (Quest Software)
    Detects and diagnoses performance issues across a SQL Server environment and provides an overview of enterprise performance. Download Spotlight.


  • SQL Backup (Red Gate)
    Creates smaller, safer and faster backups of SQL Server databases. Download SQL Backup.
  • LiteSpeed (Quest Software)
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  • SQL virtual database (Idera)
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  • Free! SQL Server Database Copy Tool (Codeplex)
    Copies a SQL Server database from one instance to another by backing it up, copying the backup file to the destination server and restoring the database. Download SQL Server Database Copy Tool .


  • AppDetective (Application Security)
    Network-based, vulnerability assessment tool that locates, examines, reports and helps fix security holes. Download AppDetective.
  • NGSSquirrel (Next Generation Security Software)
    Vulnerability assessment tool available for SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005. Download NGSSquirrel.
  • Metasploit (Metasploit)
    Penetration testing and exploit tool. Download Metasploit.
  • QualysGuard (Qualys)
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  • Free! SQL Encryption Assistant (Devenius)
    Manages encryption keys and certificates inside SQL Server, directly inside SQL Server Management Studio. Download SQL Encryption Assistant.


  • SQL Compare (Red Gate)
    Compares and synchronizes database changes quickly and simply. Download SQL Compare.
  • Toad (Quest Software)
    Management and development toolset designed to bridge the gap between SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Server. Download Toad.
  • Performance Advisor for Analysis Services (SQL Sentry)
    Monitors and optimizes SQL Server Analysis Services performance, and provides insight related to memory, storage systems, aggregation usage, queries and processing. Download Performance Advisor for Analysis Services.
  • Free! T-SQL Debugger (Microsoft)
    Built-in tool that includes all the core debugging features -- the Locals, Watch, QuickWatch and Output windows – in addition to the ability to set breakpoints to stop execution. More on working with T-SQL Debugger.
  • Free! IntelliSense (Microsoft)
    An auto-completion system supported in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 that provides easy access to language elements as you write your queries. More on IntelliSense.
  • Apex SQL Report (Apex)
    Data driven, web-reporting solution for SQL Server. Download APEX SQL Report.
  • SQL Prompt (Red Gate)
    Add-on application that provides auto-complete functionality while typing for programs used to create SQL statements. Download SQL Prompt.

  • Free! ApexSQL Code (Apex)
    Generates code from C# or VB.NET code templates. Free for a limited time. Download ApexSQL Code.
  • Free! ApexSQL Refactor (Apex) Formats SQL code for improved readability and to conform to team coding standards. Download ApexSQL Refactor.
  • Free! Instant SQL Formatter
    Online tool that cleans-up SQL code, formats SQL into HTML and translates SQL code into other program languages like Java. Use Instant SQL Formatter.
  • Free! SQLinForm
    Automatic web-based SQL code formatter. Access SQLinForm.
  • SQL Scripter (SQL Scripter)
    Data export and scripting utility for SQL Server. Packages and transports table data. Download SQL Scripter.


    • More SQL Server security tool
      Check out the best places to find security tips and countless security tools.
    • SQL injection tools
      SQL injection is a security exploit in which the attacker adds SQL code to a Web form input box to gain access. These tools automate testing of SQL injection.
    • Top SQL Server products of 2008/2007 | 2006 |2005


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