SQL Server Business Intelligence: BlackBerry Server Installation and configuration Tutorial

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

BlackBerry Server Installation and configuration Tutorial

It is the official BlackBerry training material by RIM.

 clipped from www.blackberry.com

The modules below help you through all the installation steps to ensure a successful, efficient install. NOTE: Adobe® Flash Player 8 is required to run the modules.

Installation Environment

Tool Kit Introduction
Module Overview
Hardware and System Requirements
Exchange Environment
Configuration Requirements
Deployment Considerations

Learn how to use your Tool Kit video player, know what to expect from each module, and ensure you have all you need to install and deploy the BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution.
Run time: 04:09

Product Installation

Task 1: Create Service Account
Task 2: Permissions
Task 3: Delegate Control
Task 4: Installing
BlackBerry Enterprise Server
Task 5: Pre-Installation Check List
Task 6: Installation Log Files

Complete pre-installation tasks, install BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, and review installation log files.
Run time: 17:43

Post Installation

Task 1: BlackBerry Enterprise Server Management Database
Task 2: BlackBerry MDS Services Database
Task 3: Network Authentication
Task 4: Server Connection

Create management and BlackBerry MDS Services databases, complete network authentication and test server connection.
Run time: 11:41

IT Policy & Activation

Task 1: Configuring Users
Task 2: Assigning IT Policies
Task 3: Adding Users to IT Policies
Task 4: Wireless Activation
Task 5: Wired Activation

Configure IT Policies and assign users to policies; and then activate a BlackBerry® smartphone from your BlackBerry smartphone, server PC or remote workstation. Run time: 12:04

Software Installation

Task 1: Deploy Software
Task 2: Software Configuration
Task 3: Assign Configuration

Deploy wireless software that works with the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (e.g., Instant Messaging), configure the software and add a user to the software configuration. Run time: 10:13


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